Leads Auto has assisted dealers to exceed their sales quotas nationwide with our exclusive, auto leads marketing packages facilitated on our cloud My Fresh Prospects CRM. We've delivered thousands of buyers to dealerships, like yours, throughout the country for decades. Our unique relationship with America’s top creditors is your pipeline to the highest quality auto leads from your most valuable areas and demographics.
Know moreEach day, Monday - Friday, Leads Auto will upload into your version of our My Fresh Prospects Cloud CRM every consumer who has been in a dealership, shopping your local competition in the last 8-24 hours to buy a vehicle.
We then automate the means to market to the prospects via our proprietary CRM in the form of USPS mail (a custom letter and a snap pack), phone, email, text messaging, social media (Facebook and Instagram) with a firm offer of credit, pre-approved for up to $39,000.
Instructions are provided with the ability to confirm the offer and set an appointment with the sales team via our call centers, secured websites, interactive voice response system, or by calling your dealership directly.